Treble Lifter: Heart Race

Treble Lifter

Treble Lifter is a post punk band from Washington, D.C. I should say right away, I love this album. It’s just amazing, I really think that every track is so good. It’s punk without being too nailed down, it’s aggressive and violent in the exact way I want to feel. This is the kind of music I want blaring in my car as I speed down highways, not giving a fuck about anything but how much faster I can go and how crazy I can dance without crashing into a tree. Heart Race really is fitting, my heart was racing from beginning to end. It’s such exciting, exhilarating music. The vocals are heavy, hit hard and resonate. I love the voice of this band, and I want to be in the audience screaming right back at Treble Lifter. The guitars are crazy in a controlled and melodic way.

The drumming, I could go on for about six more paragraphs how much I love this drumming, composition, vocals and guitar but someone told me once reviewing music should be more than praising everything. Fuck that though, Treble Lifter deserves all of the recognition possible for what they’ve accomplished with this release. If you’ve never listened to post rock or post punk, or are just an normal punk or hardcore fan, do yourself a favor and listen to this album. Go to their shows, support them and this sound. This sound that Treble Lifter has created resonates in my spirit, and I think it will in yours too. Framed Mistakes was my favorite track, but that was a very difficult choice. We need more music like this!

Listen here:

Treble Lifter: Heart Race

One thought on “Treble Lifter: Heart Race

  1. I couldn’t agree more with this review. Too be honest I’m not a fan of most punk music however having listened to this CD I might try some more out. I think the “heavy” vocals really bring that punk rock sound together. Keep rocking Treble Lifter!!!


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