Hooky: Vital Organs


Hooky is a an alternative pop punk band from Washington, D.C. I’ve been waiting for this EP since I first saw this band live, and they did not disappoint. Hooky lives up to their namesake with some of the most catchy riffs i’ve heard in quite some time. The vocal melodies are also just so incredibly catchy, they will stick in your head long after this EP is over. This is what I love about a good EP. There may not be many songs, but the songs presented are so beautiful and captivating that they will stick in your mind long after the EP has ended. I think the strongest part of Hooky is their melodies, their understanding of how to present concepts honestly, emotionally, passionately, and without any pretense. I listened to this EP on repeat at least five times before I felt I was able to articulate my feelings well enough. These songs are raw and passionate.


This is honest music, filled with passion and pain. I think that the best way to experience this is to listen to it, as an individual. Reviewing an album like this is difficult, as the lyrical content is so universal and true, the musicianship is so intricate and well done, it seems like as much as I gain from this music, I have trouble stating what makes it good. What makes it more than good, what makes it transcendent and timeless. It’s the passionate, raw power of Hooky. It’s the feeling that this band will give you, and the way the structure of the lyrics and the music reflects on the individual. Hooky is new, bright, brilliant, sad, dark, and inspiring.  I highly recommend listening to them.

Listen Here: http://hookydc.bandcamp.com/album/vital-organs/

Hooky: Vital Organs